Office 365

All active students, faculty and staff at PSU have access to the Microsoft Office 365 Suite.  The entire suite is available for download on up to 15 devices (5 computer, 5 tablets, 5 smart devices).  To download, go to the GUS Portal, click on the Office 365 link and log in using your PSU Username and Unified Password (click here to access the GUS Portal).  The download link will be on the top right of the screen.

To download to tablets and smart devices, go to the device's app store and look for the individual apps (Word, Excel, PowePoint, OneDrive, etc.)  

In addition to the downloads, Microsoft's online dashboard is available with access to the online components.  OneDrive is personal storage space for individuals.  OneDrive must be set up to use apps on devices.  Do this by logging into Office 365 from the GUS Portal and selecting the OneDrive App.  This will start the setup and will only need to be done once.  All documents created or accessed on smart devices through the Office 365 apps will save to OneDrive.

Training for components of Office 365 is available through Gorilla Geeks.  If you would like training for your office or classroom, contact Gorilla Geeks at ext. 4600 or submit a training request here.  You can also check out our Training Page for scheduled training sessions.

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