PSU Username & Unified Password

Students, Faculty and Staff can access services using their PSU Username and Unified password.  PSU Usernames are based on PSU ID numbers and email addresses.

Student Username:  PSU 7 digit ID number (0123456) or gusmail address (                                                                                                                        
Faculty & Staff Username:  Zimbra email address  (

The PSU Unified Password automatically shares a single password among capable PSU applications.  This process reduces the number of passwords that you have to remember by allowing you to choose one very strong password and use it on multiple systems.  Common applications that use this password are:  GUS, GusMail, Canvas, Active Directory, Zimbra Email, GusNET, GUS Cloud, Office 365 and more.

New students to PSU attending Pitt Cares will receive a letter with a password that will need to be changed.   Anyone (faculty, staff or students) can go to Gorilla Geeks, 109 Whitesitt, or call (620) 235-4600 to request a reset key that will allow you to reset your password.  Walk-in requests will require a photo id as well as answering validation questions for a reset.  Phone requests will require answering validation questions for a reset key.  Reset keys can be delivered via email or text.  The person requesting the reset must be the account holder.  Password resets are not done via email or ticket; follow-up phone calls for validation will be required to complete the reset.

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